Sep 10 2003

Declan’s Champaign and Bloomington Trip

Published by at 11:02 am under Uncategorized

After the Notarus wedding, Declan drove down to Champaign for a couple of days to see old friends.

Declan played tourist on the Univeristy of Illinois Campus – here’s the Alma Matter:

And the Union, which is also a decent hotel:

Declan was told to find out what was now in the space that used to be a (crappy) bar called O’Malley’s. Looks like a soon-to-be coffee bar. Wonder if they will serve American Pie:

Some old friends – Penny Wolf:

Hector Mandel:

Tim Flynn and Bart Lytel (they are at ISU in Bloomington now):

Here’s our old house in Savoy, scene of some fun Halloween parties:

While in Bloomington, Declan had dinner with the Cornwells:


and Hardys:

I also stopped by the old family homestead:

Our old public housing unit is now a processing office for homeless people. I was able to walk around insides and see all the old rooms. VERY creepy.

To see all of the pictures from this trip, click here.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Declan’s Champaign and Bloomington Trip”

  1. Nualaon 28 Oct 2003 at 4:14 pm

    Dear Declan,

    How come you did not take pictures inside the house?

    I bet it was weird going back inside after all these years. When I was little I used to think our house was huge and it is funny to go back and I feel just as tall as the house.

    I had lots of funny playing in the neighborhood.

    Thank you for sharing these memories.

  2. Stephanieon 06 Nov 2004 at 11:39 pm

    Good Read

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