Mar 19 2006

Nathan and Declan in NYC/Philly Day 5

Published by at 8:20 pm under Declan,Family,Nathan

As you can see if you visit the photos site, we’ve got a new camera and a 1G card, so I’ve been playing with it a lot.  Mark has the same Canon Rebel, but in film format with all kinds of cool lenses that also work on my camera.  We played around with these all morning.  We are dorks.

Nathan woke up at some point and became a photo model.  And dog toy:

Ok, there’s “liking” dogs:

and “LIKING” dogs:

“What?!?  This is how he hugs!”

Never do something like this when I have a camera and a blog.  🙂

I can’t stop!

So, Blogosphere?  Is it wrong for a man to…  😉

Mark’s gonna kick my butt.  Thankfully, we only see each other every 15 years, so I can take Tai Kwan Do or something by then.

We went to take in some of the sights of Philly.  First stop at South Street:

Why don’t they heat the East Coast?  We needed to stop for strength:


Gotta love a samwich with neon stuff in it.  Actually, it was great.  We learned that Cheez Wiz is the proper cheese to get on a Philly Cheese Steak.  We went with the provalone.

Apparently Mark is funny, because I think Nathan is laughing.  I’m sure it is at me.

He’s trying hard NOT too, but Mark’s just too darn funny when he’s making fun of me.  Too bad I don’t have incriminating pictures of him with dogs.

Here I think forward in time to when I will blog about my buddy Mark:

Actually, I’m just enthralled by the selection of crepes.

This is Ben Franklin’s house:

Ok, it MIGHT be.  It looks old and stuff.  ACTUALLY finding Ben’s house might have been work.  Ben DID live in Philly, right?

Guy on a horse:

This was at the Rocky I – IV memorial building.  Up there on the steps is where the Rocky statues isn’t anymore.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Nathan and Declan in NYC/Philly Day 5”

  1. Helenon 11 Feb 2008 at 3:29 pm

    Nope, that isn’t the Ben Franklin house 😉

  2. declanon 11 Feb 2008 at 3:45 pm

    Well, I said “might be” 🙂


  3. Helenon 11 Feb 2008 at 3:48 pm

    Unfortunately Ben’s house no longer exists in Philly, only it’s footprint, and the surrounding buildings called Franklin Court:

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