Apr 24 2006
Published by Administrator at 3:45 pm under Biking,Declan,Elaine,Erin,Family,Friends,Fun,San Diego,Uncategorized
It’s going to take me a while to get all the days written up.
Here is a link to all of my pictures on Flickr.
2 responses so far
AWWWWWWWWWW! I love this picture of you and Erin. These are precious memories you are building with her.
ok, looked at your blog, can I get back in the club now? Erin is cute as pie! Your a good dad, no matter what the kids say. 🙂
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AWWWWWWWWWW! I love this picture of you and Erin. These are precious memories
you are building with her.
ok, looked at your blog, can I get back in the club now? Erin is
cute as pie! Your a good dad, no matter what the kids say. 🙂