Jul 22 2008

iPhone wordpress app

Published by at 12:13 am under Tech

Playing with the new WordPress iPhone app

This is Andrew.


So I’ve been using it for a few weeks now and I am very happy with it. You can work on things in a local space, then change the status to Published and it will be pushed to your blog. On slow connections, it will time out sometimes, just like any uploader. It does remember it’s state though, and tries again the next time you try to upload.

I have had an issue setting more than one category on a post. It seems only the first one gets added, but I’ll need to test more before I complain officially.

Another interesting issue I found with my first few posts was that even though it looked like a post had been successful from the phone, the post didn’t show up on my blog page. I didn’t have time to mess with it, so I checked the blog a few hours later and it showed up then. I tested with another post, and got the same issue. I looked in the list of posts, and it was there, it just wasn’t showing up on the homepage. The issue turned out to be that the time stamp on my server was off by a few hours, so the post from my iPhone looked like it was from the future and WP embargoed it until the time stamps matched.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “iPhone wordpress app”

  1. Keithon 22 Jul 2008 at 6:44 am

    Haha, I just did a very similar post. Then opened up my RSS reader and the first thing I read was this. GET OUT OF MY MIND! 😉

  2. […] iPhone Update: Looks like Declan had the same idea on his blog.] This entry was written by Keith Garner and posted on 7/22/2008 at 8:50 am and filed under Geek, […]

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