Apr 26 2009

2009 Spring Break Road Trip – Bryce Canyon, UT

Published by at 9:13 pm under Declan,Erin,Photography

I’d booked us into the motel just outside of Bryce. It turns out that it’s a huge complex of buildings, but easy to navigate and quite close to the park. We woke the next morning to a mysterious substance coating the car:

I haven’t owned an ice scraper since Illinois, but thanks to my genetic influence, Erin’s a genius and we used the room key cards to scrape the windows.

We had a 7-8 hr drive to Denver ahead of us, so we swore we’d just spend an hour or so in Bryce… how hard could that be? 😉

Erin wanted to prove she’d been in snow:

I made the world’s smallest snowman:

Erin shot a lot of our pix from the passenger seat, so she wanted a clean window:

Bryce is full of scenic view of hoodoos. What’s a hoodoo?

Those are. The way I understand it, the area used to be 3000 ft sand dunes, then a sea settled above that. The minerals in the sea seeped down into the sand, inconsistently, forming columns of cement in the sand. As the land was pushed up and the water ran out, it carried away the loose sand, leaving these amazing columns of fractal sand and cement.

There was usually someone at any stop who would trade a group shot if you did one for them:

The variations on the formations were beautiful:

I need a week in just this one spot to do it justice with a camera:

Ok, you get the point – it’s beautiful and everyone should go see it! 🙂

Six hours later, we dragged ourselves out of the park to start the 7 hr drive to Edwards, CO to see my brother. We lost the light soon, but I’ll never forget the drive:

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “2009 Spring Break Road Trip – Bryce Canyon, UT”

  1. Wendyon 03 May 2009 at 10:22 am

    so, how is the ending? want to know more~

  2. declanon 04 May 2009 at 7:30 am

    Heh, I’m working on it! Takes a lot of time to drag the picture links from Flickr into the blog… Way too clunky of a process… There has to be a better way.


  3. Wendyon 04 May 2009 at 8:48 am

    so you two are still in your spring break now! so nice, i am doing the OT in my office now ~ admire yous so much! anyway have a nice trip ~

  4. declanon 09 May 2009 at 11:41 am

    Hi – nope, the trip was a few weeks ago.

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