Nov 12 2010

Declan’s Favorite San Diego Beer Places

Published by at 10:02 am under Beer,Declan,Fun,San Diego

Friends from out of town often ask me where are good places to have a beer in San Diego. After emailing out the tenth reply, I decided to write up my favorite places, and to put them on a map to help people find them. I hope you find it useful!

Here’s THE MAP.

I haven’t tried to list every place in San Diego, just the ones that I regularly visit and feel comfortable recommending to people. I have certain biases and preferences, so don’t be upset if you’re favorite place isn’t listed. Throw me a comment and I’ll see if it’s a place I’ve forgotten, or some place new I should try!

My main bias is that I’m old and I can’t stand places that blare music. I like to talk with friends over a beer, and a jammin’ jukebox just makes that hard. Only two of the bars I frequent can lure me in past the blare of the music – Toronados and Hamiltons. Their beer selection, and the specials they provide for their customers make them worth the noise. Mostly. 😉

Another bias is that I like a lot of selection. San Diego has a reputation for big, hoppy beers, but I like dark, sweet, funky, and sour stuff.

I list three kinds of places:

    Beer Stores: indicated by the shopping bag icon
    Bars: indicated by the beer mug icon
    Breweries: indicated by the brewery’s logo

It makes for a messy map, and I’ll work to make it cleaner over time.

View Declan’s Favorite San Diego Beer Places in a larger map

One response so far

One Response to “Declan’s Favorite San Diego Beer Places”

  1. Granton 14 Nov 2010 at 11:08 pm


    Fabulous work. You’re my hero.


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