Yep, I’m a geek, but it was fun! Well, other than fixing www.ucsd.edu and working on looking for whoever smashed Nathan’s car.
Here’s a link to the conference, wordcamp.org.
Here are a lot of wordcamp2007 flickr photos!
Here’s a link to OneMansBlog.com where the videos will be posted.
I’d especially recommend Matt Cutts’ presentation on White Hat Search Engine Optimization.
Dave Winer is always entertaining as well.
I get a fair amount of guff for using twitter. I really like this article by Clive Thompson who describes twitter as a 6th sense into a group of friends’ lives, letting you keep connected even though you may not see each other on a regular basis.
Clive Thompson on How Twitter Creates a Social Sixth Sense
Last night, Saturday, July 21, sometime between 9:50 and 10:50 pm, an unknown car hit our son’s green 1998 Honda CR-V, which was parked on the south side of the 13000 block of Sparren Ave. This is in Penasquitos.
They scraped the left rear side bumper, twisted the rear axle, and left a large part of their car behind on the road. They left skirting, tire guards, and some type of blower from the engine in addition to lots of plastic and glass on the road just behind and ahead of the Honda. There was no one in or near the Honda at the time of the accident, so, thankfully, there were no injuries to anyone we are aware of.
A white Mazda hatchback was seen in the immediate area soon after the hit and run was discovered. The Mazda was weaving across lanes and dividers along Carmel Mtn. Road, and passed the group looking at the Honda’s damage on Sparren, narrowly missing the bystanders. That group heard the flap of a flat tire as it passed. No license plate was taken, but a good samaritan had been following the car at a distance when he noticed the driver’s erratic behavior and stopped to give the make and model information to police in case that was the car that had caused the damage to the Honda.
Even if this Mazda did not cause the damage to our Honda, the driver was obviously impaired and needs to be questioned.
PLEASE call the San Diego Police Department’s non emergency number, 858-484-3154, if you have any information about a white Mazda hatchback (or any car) with fresh damage and missing parts on the front passenger side, or information about the hit and run on Saturday night. Please also feel free to distribute this to anyone else who may have information.
Thank you!!!!
Elaine, Declan, and Nathan Fleming
Click here for more pictures of the car.
Today is the end of a wonderful visit from our friends, the Hardys.
Last night, we celebrated Sue’s 21st birthday:
I’ll put up some more pictures later!
Joe, Kevin, and I took the train up to San Juan Capistrano and biked back.
Joe got a dude to take our picture at Swamis:
Just LOOK at that form! 🙂
Joe also rode all the way down from San Francisco earlier in the week. Click here for his pictures of that ride.
Today was the Scripps Ranch Old Pros 50 mile ride. I’ve ridden it for the last three years, and today was my best time yet. 3 hours and 29 minutes! I was hoping for 3 hours even, but I’d need some pretty good liposuction for that. Or a proper diet.
I looked down after descending the hill on Camino Cristobal and noticed this:
That was dumb… and beats my fastest by about 10mph. I was going so fast that I had trouble even bearing right when the road turned, but a little braking and I was ok. Scary!